We train a human-like virtual agent to have a customized conversation with the people you want to hear from, like your consumers, prospects, or staff. Finally, you can get qualitative insights and emotions, with quantitative assurance, in days.
Our questions. Your consumers. Our analysis. Your success.
The gold-standard of qualitative research, Ethnography gets to the heart of consumers’ lives by interacting with and/or observing them in their own environments, on their own terms. Whether at home, the gym, the bar, or the hair dresser, the goal is to achieve a deeper emotional understanding of consumers and their usage of brands and products. And sometimes you even get invited to stay for dinner!
An innovative new way to understand your target and define the human insights behind your brand’s appeal. This approach can revolutionalize how you relate to your consumer.
A powerful pre-discussion tool that incorporates consumers’ chosen visuals, music, words, colours and feelings. Visually evocative, it uncovers deep insights into attitudes towards brands and products. Our clients tell us they hold onto their favourites, sometimes for years afterwards.
Focus groups have inspired countless clients since the 1960s. We think we do them best: with inspiring pre-discussion assignments and creative & engaging exercises rooted in Social Psychology. The goal is to bring consumers on a journey to a more insightful place, where the ‘why’ behind their behaviour – their belief systems and core human needs - is revealed and understood.
If breadth AND depth of questioning is key, in-depth interviews (IDIs) are the way to go. Whether virtual, in a central facility or out in the real world, they allow for greater intimacy of connection and sharing between consumer and researcher. The result is more thoughtful reflection, and more thought-provoking insights across a wide range of questions.
What do you get when you put respondents, researchers and clients in one room together? A collaborative and wildly innovative research session carefully led by our experienced team. Unique participant groups are divided into teams and spend 4 hours exploring, creating and ideating new marketing ideas.
Just like the name suggests but with ideas instead of prospective spouses! Consumers rotate in pairs through a series of tables each led by one of our research team members. This is a great way to get consumers thoughts, behaviours and reactions to ideas at various stages of a brand interaction. You won’t believe how fast the time goes!
With this approach, consumers pair up with a researcher and a client and head out into the field to observe a consumer experience first-hand. The full team of research and client partners immediately regroups to download and elevate the learning into insights and actionable plans. This is a fun and interactive one-day research tool you won’t soon forget!
This is a proprietary tool often used as part of focus groups, online bulletin boards and even team-based research approaches. Consumers build their ideal bundle of messages from a pre-created list to net out with the most motivating case to purchase a product or service.
Using an online platform or mobile app, consumers are invited to participate in activities and share written responses, photos and videos of themselves giving us a window into their homes or lives on-the-go. A cost-efficient way to conduct research across the country or in multiple countries; any where, any time.
Affinity Circles bring extra comfort to those whose habits, demographics, or particular attitudes can make them feel uneasy participating in research. And we can hold these Circles in non-traditional settings… like the time we met in a bar with those who think it’s OK to drink & drive a boat.
There is no better way to understand the behaviours & motivations behind consumers’ shopping habits than to shop along with them! A researcher embarks on a shopping trip with the consumer in real-time – either in person, or virtually. Together, we shop the aisles, racks, and shelves, giving the researcher the opportunity to dig deeper into the consumer’s shopping mindset. No purchase necessary!
Follow the path that leads to consumers’ purchase decisions and uncover the touch points they encounter along the way. Take a view into consumers’ full shopping experiences, from beginning to end, to truly understand what drives their purchasing behaviours. Buckle up! It can be a bumpy ride.